It has been a week of Alice.
The first Alice popped up in our lives when, due to my continued limited mobility issues due to a foot/leg cast, we decided to purchase a netbook. In doing so, I am now free to sit for copious amounts of hours on the sofa, leg propped in the air, AND get some work (o.k, o.k, a lot of email and facebook too) done. It is great!
The reason that my netbook and the topic of Alice go together is that, when asked what the name of my netbook should be (because that is a completely normal question to be asked by one's spouse), the first name that came to mind was 'Alice'. The netbook is red, after all.
So shortly after christening the netbook, I began an impromptu version of the children's song, 'Alice the Camel' (has 5 humps...has 4 humps...etc). To my shock and horror, my spouse (who happens to be in a children's band) did not recognize the song. This was news to me. First, because it is such a good children's song and second, because I, greatly lacking in the musical skills department, so rarely know a song that he does not.
The second instance of Alice is not quite as light-hearted; as I continue to research about the Canadian tainted blood scandal, I am -- again -- stunned at how complex, deep and wrong this scandal was/is.
One American whistle blower who had been working in the Arkansas prison saw evidence of inmates "donating"* blood who had obvious jaundice/liver disease...and when he started documenting/mentioning this, he and his family got death threats, and his clinic 'mysteriously' burned to the ground (and, conveniently, all the documents).
He subsequently wrote a thriller/mystery novel about the tainted blood scandal, but skewed some details to protect himself from liability and --well-- those death threats. He, aware of the seriousness of his exposing such scandal, felt the need to write under a pseudonym.
So my second 'Alice' of the week is: how deep does the rabbit hole go?
*Inmates "donated" blood for $7 a pop.