Saturday, February 26, 2011

The Great Wall of Ideas (and organization)

This Wall of Ideas comes to you today all the way from Winnipeg, Manitoba, (not to be confused with the Great Wall that snakes around China) and is sponsored by the letter 'Q'. (Why 'Q' you ask? To which I retort: why not Q? Okay, okay, I may have been influenced a little by my daily listening to Jian Ghomeshi...)

But I digress.

A challenge, I am finding out, about putting together a graphic novel is the ability to comprehensively and plausibly sequence and over-lap key events in the story; in my case, this particular chain of events has to stay true to a personal history (mine) as well as the history of the tainted blood scandal itself. Being a visual learner, mapping out these ideas (although time-consuming) is crucial...and, well, fun. 

While the Great Wall of Ideas (and organization) is just at the beginning stages, I expect to keep slogging away at it, adding my scraps and thread of ideas, until a complete story emerges. I will keep you updated.


  1. You've got to start some place! This looks like a good beginning.

  2. Thanks -- my wall is not going to be big enough...
