Well, I finally have a new dentist. It is embarrassing to admit, but not only have I not gone to my dentist for an unreasonably long amount of time, but my new dentist is less than a block from where I live. In fact, I can actually see the dentist sign from my office window as I type this. That is procrastination, my friends!
So why am I writing about the dentist, you ask. Well, the other day, in my failed attempt to get into see a (medical) doctor at the walk-in clinic just up the street, I had to walk past the aforementioned dentist office. I decided, on the spur of the moment, that today would be the day that I would go in there, and book myself a cleaning. So I did just that -- I walked in.
The receptionist was efficient but friendly, and immediately made me an appointment for the first Monday in March. At that point, however, at the time, the inevitable question floated into my head: do I tell her about my Hep C+ status?
This is a dilemma, as too much information at the wrong time can be as damaging as no information. But, recognizing that dentists put themselves at risk by dealing with my teeth/gums/etc I, at some level, prepare myself to possibly be denied services.
Moreso than the possiblity of needing to inform her of my positive status, I was upset at myself for feeling ashamed (about having the virus). Why would I be shamed? I do not know -- I never engaged in any typical activities associated with Hep C transmission that may be frowned upon by the general public; I simply had blood transfusions that had not been checked properly for HCV. That's it. Not my fault.
So, I quietly gave myself a good talking-to, and in the end, I did not devulge my positive status to the receptionist. I left the office, glad for an appointment, and willing to discuss such "issues" with the dentist him or herself.