Tuesday, May 18, 2010

The Infamous Krever Inquiry Strikes Again

I never thought that I would admit this, but completing the seemingly mudane task of folding the laundry is a welcome relief; while the graphic novel is slowly coming along, it is a ton more work than I ever realized. How does one organize the re-telling and illustrating of whole historical events, nevermind the personal details of each person affected by such events?

I think I was ambitious...(!)

Speaking of ambition (and Hep C), tomorrow is none other than the third annual World Hepatitis Day

This is a chance to raise awareness of Hep B and C, as well as increase political support for the diseases to levels seen in HIV / AIDS,etc. Approximately 170 million people worldwide have either hepatitis B or hepatitis C. This represents 1 in 12 people...people like me. People (maybe) like you...?

1 comment:

  1. I heard you on the radio today, Natasha - you did a great job - and your book sounds very interesting.Funnily enough, I just had the radio on in the car for a bit and heard Sean talking about your trip. I guess today is radio day for the Boone/Hogans!!
    All the best,
    Eileen Dean
